Thursday, June 14, 2012


We went to a grief support meeting last Sunday.  While I understand the concept of talking it out with others who have "been there", I find it difficult to speak.  Maybe it is too early still.  The others in the meeting are all very nice.  I guess there were 9 of us in there, including my wife and I.  We were the youngest in the group by far.  I'm sure that the group will be beneficial to me/us, but I don't know that I am ready for it yet.

Today makes 9 weeks since we buried Mason.

It seems like a million years ago.  It seems like yesterday.  The emotion is just as raw and hard now as it ever was.  I have so many regrets.  So, so many regrets.

Mason was able to donate his eyes and his knees.  I'm not sure if anything else was used.  They did use some of his other organs to study, so hopefully that information will help somebody else in the future.

We got a "Thank You" card from the Lions Eye Bank in the mail yesterday.  I'm not sure how I feel about that.  I understand that it is what it is.  They are just communicating their appreciation.  I don't want any thanks.  I want my son back.

I hope that his beautiful eyes are being used today by someone who could not see before.  I hope that his gift will give someone else the gift of sight.  So they can see there parents for the first time.  So they can see their child for the first time.  So they can see the blue sky for the first time.

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