I often think about the things Mason will never have. While I am confident that he is in a much better place and that these little "milestones of life" really don't matter all that much to him, I am still sad that he will not experience them. And I won't be able to see him experience them.....
- Graduate High School - Mason HATED school. It was a battle nearly everyday to get him out of bed and ready for school. Then when homework time come around, it was even worse. He always told us he didn't need school. I guess he was right.
- Graduate College - Probably not. See above. (although, it would have been forced upon him anyway)
- Getting Married -
- Having Kids - By far, my 2 greatest days ever were the days Mason and Isabella were born. His kids would have been my grandchildren.
- Just watching him grow into becoming a man - I'd love to be there for him like my father has always been there for me.
Just a few milestones in life. There are so many more scattered in between those, so many more that will never happen.
I miss you, Mason. I will always love you, son.